Friday, February 23, 2007

Traditional Lacquer jewelry

Traditional lacquer jewelries are very common in the east where women love colorful and graceful adornments. Lacquer is a resin solvent coating for a glossy appeal. When this coating is used in any jewelry it looks amazingly stunning. The Indian jewelries mostly engage them in producing these lacquer jewelries. Lacquer earrings, necklaces and bracelets can of various colors. Even the decorated beads of lacquer can be used for making some sort of jewelries. Golden lacquer jewelry earrings sparkle and hence they can be put on for an evening occasion. Lacquer jewelries are traditional in style and pattern. They are better termed as a pride to flaunt as each of the curves on them is made with utter skills. Exquisite patterns on them drag the attention of most of the viewers. Women can put them on when they are heading for a social gathering or occasion with traditional wear. They are informal in style and patterns.

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