Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Ceramic beads as jewelry decorative

Beads of various colors, materials and designs are often attached to the bracelets, necklaces and bangles to highlight the beauty of the ornaments. Beads, sheer justification can create masterpieces. The designers with intrinsic knowledge in the jewelry designing make the right selection of the beads. Ceramic can also be transformed into beads. Oriental porcelain, east India Classic, Greek ceramic large hole beads, Greek ceramic seed beads, Greek ceramic fancy beads are some of the common types that are often used to decorate the ornaments. A mixture of clay and other chemicals are used to make the ceramic beads. The chemicals and the texture of the clay determine the kind of beads that can be formed out of it. Artists then color them and decorate the beads according to the needs. These beads are later bunched and used irregularly or regularly on the ornaments to brighten them up.

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